Monday, July 2, 2007

Life is weird

A chronological summary of a contrast filled weekend:

Life is good…Drinks with friends at the Brick Store in Decatur. High gravity Belgian beer is like delicious deadly candy.

Life is crap…One of said friends is rudely dressed down and generalized by a repulsive hipster girl about how he doesn't belong at the Decatur Social Club. Reaffirms my belief that most hipsters have decided to be angst driven 16 year olds for their whole lives.

Life is good…Brunch with M at Ria's Bluebird. MMM…goat cheese omelettes.

Life is crap…I can't find my check card.

Life is good…Chilling by the pool with R and T.

Life is crap…Still trying to find my check card and then get a telephone call from VISA saying someone has gotten a hold of my credit card number. Credit card is canceled and I cancel the check card because i am freaked out about the credit card. I have been reduced to Money 1.0. Have to dig around to dust off the checkbook.

Life is still crap…Realize that I wrote down the wrong date for V's going away party. It was Friday night. She flew out Sat. I felt horrible.

Life is good…Great time at B's birthday party at The Spotted Dog. Girl on girl arm wrestling is hot.

Life is crap…I owe M for the tab because of earlier stated lack of plastic.

Life is good…An absolutely stellar day of paddling on the Nantahala River with C and some new friends. First time in my boat this year. Hit my roll every time!

Life is crap…Check engine light comes on and engine starts to stall on the drive back in the middle of pouring rain. I guess 7000 isn't a good number to wait for getting the car serviced. Visions of being stranded on the highway in a lightning storm dance through head.

Life is weird…As C and I leave the convenience store with a quart of oil, we notice a full rainbow set against the gray, ominous night sky. A perfect metaphor for the entire weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as your friend was enjoying himself and not bothering anyone, then who cares how he's dressed? I'm curious who in my crowd was so rude to have said that unprovoked...

Unless there's more to the story... the girl sounds like SHE didn't belong.