Thursday, June 28, 2007

boing boing boing

My mind is a bouncing piece of silly putty today. Flying in every direction but the one I should be going. What's the dog doing? What are my friends doing? I wish I was in the mountains. I should paint more or create a manifesto. Oh gosh, my boss has a Celine Dion songbook! I really shouldn't eat that chocolate donut but oh, so delicious. I should grow a beard back but, damn, it's almost July. Sometimes Conor Oberst sounds like goatboy. There are't that many attractive people on MARTA. SO much that I think average looking girls get a 3-5 point boost in the 1-10 scale due to the contrast. I should quit drinking coffee. I wish they would bring back the Muppet Show. Nevermind. They'd dumb it down for the Lohan crowd.




bugger…hey look! something shiny!

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